World of Learning is a conference and exhibition bringing together senior-level
buyers and leading suppliers of learning and development (L&D) products, solutions
and advice.

An essential event for L&D professionals, World of Learning provides a unique forum
for professionals to develop their skills and update their knowledge.

For over 25 years the World of Learning has blended an evolving variety of
innovative exhibitors, a highly revered conference programme and immersive
feature areas to deliver the best quality for our audience.

Why have you sought CPD Standards Accreditation?

It adds professional credibility to our event: World of Learning Conference & Exhibition

What was accredited and how?

We received accreditation for our event: World of Learning Conference & Exhibition
2018 and have been carrying the CPDSO logo since 2013.

How do you use your accreditation?

We market our accreditation throughout our national marketing campaign which
includes press releases, emails to our database, solus eshots with our event partners,
across our social media channels, and our yearly magazine: Learning Magazine.

What effect has the CPD Standards Office accreditation had on your business?

The benefits of CPD increased credibility and professionalism at the event. A higher standard of visitors is
attracted to the event because we are accredited by CPD.

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