CPD Research Project

Join the 2023 CPD Research

In 2023 The CPD Standards Office has renewed the CPD Research Project and looking for participants including individual professionals, CPD training providers, and professional bodies. Click here to find out more and join the research!

True CPD Experts and Cutting Edge Research

Founded in 2012, The CPD Standards Office has spent over a decade researching and understanding the role of Continuing Professional Development (CPD) on a pan-industry, multi-disciplinary basis, within the current UK business environment.

The Office was established following one of the largest academic studies into the field of Continuing Professional Development (CPD) and adult skills development.

In partnership with Kingston Business School, Warwick University and an educational charity at Oxford University, the research was conducted over a period of 2 years.

The results yielded a range of insights, and opened the door for professional bodies and employers to understand how to deliver positive and successful CPD learning experiences.

Out of all the findings, the most dominant was that professional individuals in the UK had an increasing low regard and dislike for undertaking CPD, for the following reasons:

The quality of training courses advertised as CPD learning were often poor educational experiences for individual professionals
Many CPD learning experiences were miss-sold, and actually sales presentations or commercially focused activities
The CPD accreditations services available were mainly approving providers at an organisational level, and not investigating the actually titles and educational units.

Our Research Parthers

Over the past decade, we have been fortunate to research and consult with over 100 organisations, who have not only made our research possible;  enabling us to pioneer new frontiers of knowledge in academic, sciencific and practition understanding in the field of CPD.

Participating organisations include:

  1. UK Government Departments
  2. Professional Bodies with UK Royal Charterships
  3. UK & International Professional Institutes
  4. Regulators and Sector Authorities
  5. Industry and Sector Councils
  6. Professional Societies and Communities
  7. Royal Medical Colleges and Healthcare Councils
  8. Trade and Membership Associations
  9. Governance and Compliance Organisations
  10. Educational Awarding Bodies
  11. Universities and Educational Establishments
  12. Charities and Not-for-Profit Organisations

Our key whitepapers are below. The results of our ongoing, longitudinal research have been utilised by various organisations to raise the standard of CPD and ensures CPD is a positive and successful learning experience for all regardless of profession, age, background or level of educational achievements.