Looking to become accredited? Get in touch with one of our accreditation advisors today on 0203 745 6463 to book a call.

The CPD Standards Office forms part of the Professional Development Consortium and is also home to the CPD Research Project, Provider of Training Excellence, and Coach of Excellence accreditations.

A prestigious global organisation, whose members deliver CPD accredited training and learning in all subjects and topics.

About Us

A large part of our organisation is research and we were founded from the findings from the UK’s largest CPD research project. Amanda Rosewarne, our CEO spent a long time working with employees, employers, professional bodies, regulators and institutions to find out about their experiences of CPD (research conducted in 2010) This laid the platform to develop a shared standard for educational CPD activities, and from this research the CPD Standards office was established.

Our Expert Advisory Board

The CPD Standards Office is overseen by an Expert Advisory Board, made up of various organisations including Kingston Business School, The Professional Group, Memberwise, The Law Society, and All Track record. These organisations have a long history of either membership and/or CPD and they provide the quality assurance and control of all of the activities we accredit.

Our Expertise

CPDSO campaigns for ‘Excellence in Lifelong Learning’ and we dedicate time to lobbying government to ensure quality and standards within education and training. We are part of the All Party Parliamentary Group for Skills and Employment, and regularly provide advice and guidance on all things CPD.

The Assessment Process

Following a multitude of research across sectors, we have developed the assessment process, overseen by the above Independent Advisory Board, to ensure CPD provision available to professionals of all sectors is of the highest quality. The organisation and the logo are recognised both internationally and by all 1600 regulators, professional bodies and institutions in the UK.

Looking to become accredited?

Get in touch with one of our accreditation advisors today on 0203 745 6463 to book a call.

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