Over the past year, with everyone working from home and online, the dark underbelly of the internet has become more prevalent, with an increase in dubious accreditation services and scams.  These are exploiting unsuspecting, and vulnerable businesses.

Don’t be Duped!

Free accreditation services are now attempting to enter the training and coaching industries; but are being delivered by those who have no real understanding of the CPD field, and are not officially recognised by Government and professional bodies.  Similar to fake news, and misinformation, it is important not to be duped by the offer of free CPD accreditation services.

The Risk

The risks attached to choosing cheap, free and easy accreditation options, over the rigorous and comprehensive assessment path  have a short and long term impact on your business. Your reputation is at risk, as at some point, the lack of quality standards in the cheap or fake accreditation services will become obvious.

For example, the recent BBC documentary ‘Under the Skin: The Botched Beauty Business’ is  a clear example of a training business who are displaying a free CPD accreditation, yet are offering pernicious training courses.  Unsuspecting individuals are falling foul of paying a substantial amount for an unregulated beauty aesthetics course that has potentially dangerous consequences.

See the BBC website here – https://www.bbc.co.uk/programmes/p09kyrtk

Reassuringly Robust & Exclusive If you are pondering your membership with the CPD Standards Office, it’s important to remember that we are a world leading, independent CPD accreditation body.  Highly respected by Government and Industry, including The Cabinet Office, Rolls RoyceNHS and the Open University, our accreditation is based on scientific research and developed by experts.

We work exclusively with the official CPD Institute, and our robust assessment process ensures that genuine and authentic providers are given the recognised CPDSO seal of quality approval.

You Can’t Afford to Look Cheap The training and coaching industries are becoming increasingly busy and competitive.  Learners want to be reassured that they are sourcing high quality and relevant training courses.  By associating your business with a worthless and free accreditation service, you cheapen your brand and devalue your expertise.

Talk to Us

If you are being approached by a free CPD accreditation provider, and would  really understand the impact on your business, do not hesitate to contact your CPDSO account manager or email us at membership@cpdstandards.com.

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