It can be easy to get stuck in the same cycle of delivering training online that you have always delivered. So how can you mix it up?

Here we have put together five thinking points to help you make your online training more relevant and attractive to clients surfing the web:

Re-structure Your Courses

Instead of running a 3-day course over consecutive days, allow/encourage delegates to split up the course so that they do 1 day a week, or once a month for example. It provides them with options and can be easier as a trainer to do when delivering online courses as you can make parts of your courses Evergreen.

Put in place collaborative tools so that delegates can get support from you as the trainer and other delegates between training sessions. Your courses will be far more attractive to those thinking about buying as they can be totally tailored around them.

Offer Courses As Different Lengths & Formats

Face-to-face courses are traditionally offered as a one-day course. Mixing up the length of the course by going online gives you many possibilities, it can work well for those delegates who find it hard to get time off work, or are unable to get to the training course location.

A distanced learning version can replace or go alongside your F2F course for blended delivery. You can also write an eBook, which will be available with the online course as another collaborative tool.

Offer Free Taster Webinars in the Evening

Your prospect delegates will always want an insight into your course, so why not offer a one-hour overview of the course that runs in the evening as a webinar. Lots of people do not have the time during the day due to work commitments and their personal lives, so making the short taster session available once they are at home will work for a lot of people.

ADDITIONAL TIPS: Include email and phone breaks into your training. Build specific breaks into your training to allow delegates to go off-screen and make/take calls and check their email. You’ll get more relaxed delegates, knowing they have dealt with the important stuff at the office.

Build In Networking Into Your Training

If one of your delegates comes away from your training with a business opportunity from one of the other delegates, you get the credit. Take time to understand who is attending each training course and who they may find it useful to meet.

Also, use social media to your advantage. Set up a LinkedIn group for delegates attending this course (along with past delegates) where they can learn from each other and network after the training has finished. Connecting past delegates with current delegates is a very powerful way to re-engage previous clients and give new clients great value. You can also encourage your delegates to share what they have learned on their social media accounts and tag you.

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