Continuing Professional Development (CPD) is an important part of any professional’s career, and receiving CPD accreditation for your business’ training activities can open up opportunities to reach these individuals.

To really benefit from achieving CPD accreditation for your business, you need to publicise it correctly. 

Here are some ways you can do this::

Use it in your marketing materials

It’s important to mention your CPD accreditation in all of your marketing materials including brochures, websites and your course materials/content. This can help you to build trust and credibility with new customers.

Share it on LinkedIn

LinkedIn is a great platform for professionals to connect and network with each other. Update that you have received CPD accreditation on your personal and company profiles to let your connections know about your accredited status as well as your commitment to professional development.

Dedicate a section of your website to CPD accreditation

Add a page that introduces your CPD accredited status and what it means, as well as the benefits of CPD and what they can get by undertaking an accredited CPD course.

Share it in your professional community

If you belong to a professional association or community, share your CPD accreditation within them circles. Many of these companies have online forums, groups or newsletters where you can post your CPD-accredited status and get recognition.

Use it in your advertising

Utilize your new accredited status in your advertising campaigns. This can help you to set your business apart from competitors and attract new customers across different sectors.

Write a blog post on your CPD accreditation

Writing a blog post to announce your accreditation is a great way to increase visibility, engagement, SEO and lead generation to your website. These posts can serve as a starting point for conversations and encourage new customers to reach out to you.

In conclusion, CPD accreditation is a valuable asset to your business, but it is only beneficial if you publicise it. Following the above tips can ensure that your prestigious CPD accreditation is seen by the right people and further grow your business.

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