Marketing for your training/coaching business can be tricky if you aren’t sure where to start.

Here are some simple ideas to get your marketing up and running:

Video content is hugely valuable, and an extremely sharable medium that can reach much wider audiences. Creating a YouTube channel to hold all of your videos in one place can be very beneficial and direct all of your customers to one place.

Get Creative with Infographics

Infographics are insanely powerful marketing tools. They are visual eye candy for the reader and easy to digest the information. People also love to share them, so they are a great way to drive up referral traffic and links.

Give a New Lease of Life to Old Content

If you are in a dry spell or you are short of time, instead of making some content that is totally new, breathe new life into what you have already in your content library. You already have all the content there, so make it into something new and fun!

Utilise LinkedIn

There is a ton happening on LinkedIn, and it can be a great place to promote your content to customers and other businesses. You can also share ideas, join groups, enter into conversations with others, and build your brand out with other like-minded professionals.

Industry Partnerships

Creating partnerships with other businesses means twice as much notice. If you are partnering with a business that is focused solely on a different industry to you, it introduces and opens up opportunities to a whole new audience.

Enter Business Awards

Most industries out there have business awards you can enter and win, providing you with an online badge you can place on your website. Badges like these can boost your credibility and as a result, increase sales. Much like the CPD Standards Office badge which provides a trusted quality mark for your business.

Develop a Customer Referral Programme

Offer your existing customers a free product, a free month of service, or some other reward for referring new customers. Word of mouth is a very powerful way to find new customers.

So what ones are you going to get started with first?

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