The Royal Society of Medicine has released a four-part series called ‘Doctors of the Future’, covering topics that range from training in leadership to increasing use of digital technology.

With the current issues surrounding the quality of work contracts for junior doctors, the series has come at a highly relevant time to highlight what the future will look like for professionals working in healthcare.

Amongst the 11 episodes, there are several dedicated to developments in leadership and communication training for junior doctors. Watch here the relevant episodes, Including:

Hull Institute of Learning & Simulation How healthcare professionals of any age and experience can benefit from simulation training and improve patient care.

Hull York Medical School Training doctors with excellent clinical and communication skills to deliver high-quality patient-centred care in all contemporary healthcare settings.

Lancashire Teaching Hospitals How investing in innovative learning tools prepares doctors for their future careers.

Leeds Institute of Medical Education Innovative solutions and curriculum to prepare undergraduate medical students for the role of provider and leader in healthcare.

Nottingham University Business School Introduction to the MBA at ‘The Centre for Health, Innovation, Leadership & Learning’ – known as CHILL, which brings doctors and consultants together with business leaders and successful innovators from healthcare and beyond.

The Wales Deanery How the Welsh Government, the NHS, its partners and the public are working with health boards to introduce ‘Education Contracts’, which will help enhance the quality of training for junior doctors to improve the quality of patient care.

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