Andrew Gibbons an independent management developer, wrote a blog for the Training Journal in February 2016 summing up why he thinks CPD is a competitive advantage to all businesses.

Read here: Training Journal Blog

Here are some of his best points:

CPD is a low cost and high value strategy

I believe that a clear and committed strategy for the development of professionals in whatever field can be a low cost, and very high value route to genuine competitive advantage.

If professionals are recruited with the explicit expectation that at the very least will comply with minimum CPD requirements of their professional bodies then this will have a positive impact on the quality of intake for an organisation.

Professionals employed should be expected to show tangible evidence of planning their development in a tangible, flexible, structured way, and that they record that learning.

CPD can identify non-engagers

Once an organisation gets serious about CPD, it will swiftly identify those who would prefer not to engage. The passive professionals, often in positions of significance, see themselves as lifelong members of a club, passing exams decades ago was their price of entry.

CPD can work if employers take control

CPD can only have real impact if employers take the lead as professional Bodies can only publish the codes of practice to encourage CPD, and threaten sanctions for non-compliance.

Individual members will only see value in engagement if they feel their careers are dependent on CPD compulsion. Employers will favour those with tangible evidence of meaningful CPD over those that just can’t be bothered.

Thus CPD can provide a significant competitive advantage in recruitment, reward, career progression and performance management. The good news is most of the competition won’t be prepared to make the effort – nor will they reap the rewards of getting the most from their professionals.

About the author Andrew Gibbons has been an independent management developer for the past years. He can be contacted on or 07904 201 474.

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