The golden rule to creating an amazing ‘marketing strategy’ is to know what your short-term goals are, meaning in the next few months. But also, what your long-term goals are: 1 year, 3 years, and 5 years from now. Looking at a strategy in this way will help you to plan, not only for your long-term goals but also your short-term targets too.

Thinking about where you would like to see your business in the future will help you to create the targets that you want to achieve. Creating targets based upon your goals will help you to think about your plans effectively, which can give you ideas of the smaller steps you need to complete in order to achieve the bigger goal

5 Simple Steps to Creating a 1 Year Plan:

  1. Where do I see my business in 1 years’ time?
  2. What are the activities I need to complete in order to meet the 1-year target?
  3. How can I incorporate these activities into my workload?
  4. Who will need to support these activities to make sure they are achieved?
  5. When does each activity need completing by to keep to the planned schedule?

Remember not everything will go to plan, some things might get pushed back due to more urgent work that needs completing and some tasks might need modifying to suit the business environment at that time. Plans are adaptable and you can change them to suit as time goes on. So, don’t get too hung up on everything running smoothly.

Following these steps will help you to create a simple and effective marketing strategy that will help you to achieve the targets you have set yourself. Thinking in terms of both long-term and short-term goals will help you manage your time, work productively and move your business forward. A plan that works with your business will inevitably aid you to make your vision turn into a reality whether you are a small or large company.


My Marketing Button is an online platform that empowers you and your team to plan, track and implement a successful marketing strategy. Sign up for Red Button Marketing’s free 7-day trial today!

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