Are you looking toUndertake CPD coursesBecome a CPD-accredited provider
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The CPD Standards Office MENA

World-Leading CPD Accreditation Service

Trusted By Industry, Institutes & Professionals

What Is Independent CPD Accreditation?

The CPD Standards Office works with a variety of learning providers, speakers, coaches, employers and knowledge organisations to recognise face-to-face training courses and events, online learning, and one to one coaching.

By providing independent accreditation, our mission is to improve the quality of continuing professional development (CPD) to ensure positive and successful experiences and to make it more affordable and easier to access.

To find out more about our accreditation services reach us on:

Join A Prestigious, Global Community Of Experienced, CPD Verified Course Creators, Coaches, Educators & Speakers

When you become accredited by the CPD Standards Office, you get more than just a mark of accreditation with the CPD logo.

You also become part of our CPD Standards Community, along with over 1,000 other accredited providers. This community is growing stronger every day, with its huge range of connections to membership organisations, employers and universities.

Regular, Ongoing Support

Dedicated Account Manager

Free Digital Resources

Monthly Networking Events

Our community is also supported by the on-going work of the CPD Research Project. This means that just as your clients and delegates can be sure that your training, learning or coaching activities are independently assessed to the highest standard, you too can be sure that other members of the CPD Standards Community have also been assessed the exact same way. This gives you peace of mind as you exchange best practice and network with other providers, professional bodies, universities and authorities.

Official Accreditation Partner of the Institute of CPD

The CPD Standards Office is the official accreditation partner for the Institute of CPD.
Training providers who are fully accredited with the Office, are allowed to issue official CPD certificates, which individuals can then use as evidence within their annual iCPD record. 

Increase The Value Of Your Training Or Learning Experience By Becoming A Verified CPD Provider

If you’re a speaker, offer coaching, courses, training programs or run events and conferences, then we invite you to become CPD accredited with The CPD Standards Office.

Why Choose Us?

We founded the CPD Standards Office as a result of a comprehensive research project into the quality of continuing CPD provision across the country. Our in-depth research surveyed over 1000 professionals, and interviewed a range of professional bodies and regulators. We found that the standards of CPD varied greatly and that too much of the training provided was of remarkably low quality.

What Is CPD?

Continuing professional development (CPD) is the intentional maintenance and development of the knowledge and skills needed to perform in a professional context. This could mean honing current skills, it could mean developing them to a new level, or it could mean learning new ones that will allow an employee’s job role to expand or prepare them for potential promotion.

CPDSO Member Testimonials

“Having our courses independently evaluated and quality assured, has given our clients that extra confidence in knowing that what they are paying for is a quality service.”


Anita Devi

Team ADL

“I was looking for a professional organisation to support my coaching offerings. There’s a lot to choose from in a crowded market, but I ended up selecting the CPDSO because they really care about their customers, their products and their services.”


Simon Rickman

Development Coach

“CPD has not only enhanced my presence and reputation as a speaker, but it’s also developed new opportunities that enable me to engage with audiences at a broader range of events.”


Dale Howarth

Accredited CPD Speaker

Benefits Of Becoming CPD Accredited With Us:

Get ahead of your competitors and gain a HUGE market share

Becoming CPD accredited helps you to stand out in an already overcrowded marketplace and turns your learning experience into an authority

Demonstrate to customers you are adopting the latest technologies

A pioneer in the field of independent accreditation, the CPD Standards Office has partnered with Gradbase to utilise Blockchain technology.

Stay ‘in the loop’ with relevant market updates and meaningful insights

CPDSO is also home to the CPD research project, so you’ll receive cutting edge insights, recent CPD trends and news on a weekly basis

Build your brands reputation and be known as a premier provider

Having the mark of accreditation from The CPD Standards Office means you’ll be known as a premier provider of high quality CPD training materials

Attract more professionals and organisations that need CPD training

Get your foot in the door with some of the best known corporations and companies who need CPD accredited courses and training programs

Join a network of successful providers committed to being the best

Attend online and offline events with our constantly growing CPD community to network and share knowledge with each other

Want To Know How CPD Accreditation Can Enhance Your Credibility Whilst Allowing You To Enter New Markets?

Simply click the button below to find out how becoming a CPD provider can instantly increase your credibility and allow you to reach a much wider audience across the globe, in as little as 14 days from now: